Todd Lappin explores a massive collection of historical military vehicles tanks collected by an eccentric Silicon Valley multimillionaire. The recently-departed Jacques Littlefield amassed one of the world's largest and most significant collections of this type, and his collection is now overseen by the nonprofit Military Vehicle Technology Foundation.
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A private Dutch company is planning to send humans to Mars by 2023. Think you've got what it takes to travel to the Red Planet? See what...
The guitarist for the world-famous rock band talks about their new album, "Lightning Bolt."
Making its debut in 1924, the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade has secured its spot as one of the most extravagant celebrations in the enti...
The Origin Garden, Nigeria's first privately run Zoo is in the focus this season as we explore the prospects of increasing Tourism activ...
Travel as the president would through the historic day. Source: ABCNews