Balsamic Vinegar Tour

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How is balsamic vinegar made?  In this video series, Anthony tells us the fascinating and complex story of how Balsamic Vinegar is made. It starts with the low-alcohol grapes of the Emilia-Romagna region of Italy, which are cooked down to "grape must." Anthony will explain the difference between traditional and commercial Balsamic Vinegars, and how to pick out a good Balsamic in the store.

While Balsamic Vinegar Tradizionale is perfect for special occasions, everyday balsamic vinegar is too delicious not to use more often. Made with grape must and red wine vinegar, and fermented in oak barrels for two months, everyday balsamic vinegar is thicker in texture than other vinegars, but not as thick as Tradizionale. Using DeLallo's Balsamic Vinegar and Private Stock Balsamic Vinegar to illustrate, Anthony shows us how to read a vinegar label and how to learn the key traits of a quality Balsamic Vinega.

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